Gabriella Daza

"Worlds Within Me"

Section MS18, Ayanna Blair-Ford

Keywords: home, moving image

The concept of "home" holds profound significance, especially for individuals with immigrant parents, navigating the complexities of bicultural identity. Born into two cultures, they grapple with the challenge of finding belonging in both their ancestral homeland and their current residence.

This project delves into the question, "What is home?" It explores the ongoing struggle faced by those caught between their cultural heritage and the reality of life in a foreign land, encompassing themes of cultural adaptation, generational differences, and the search for belonging.

Through the medium of film, the narrative captures the essence of these experiences, portraying moments of tranquility amidst the turmoil. Serving as a window into the complexities of bicultural identity, the project invites viewers to contemplate the ever-evolving notion of "home."

With a focus on the emotional journey of individuals, the film illuminates their struggles and triumphs in defining and redefining the concept of "home" amidst the complexities of their dual identity.