Media Studies is a series of school-wide units at the Royal College of Art School of Architecture in London. The roster for the course includes all incoming MA students in the School, including MA Architecture, MA Interior Design, MA Environmental Architecture, and MA City Design. 2023/24 was the eighth iteration of the unit and we had 285 students.

David Burns leads the unit. The tutors for 2023/24 were Sarah Akigbogun, Riccardo Badano, Alison Bartlett, Ayanna Blair-Ford, Ariel Caine, Gabriella Demczuk, Jermaine Francis, Daryan Knoblauch, Joshua Leon, Sonia Levy, Lilly Markaki, Sam Nightingale, Mirna Pedalo, Mhamad Safa, Linn Phyllis Seeger, Kelly Spanou, Freya Spencer-Wood, Lennaart van Oldenborgh, and Rosa Whiteley. Our bios are here. In previous years we have hosted guest lectures by Ariella Aisha Azoulay, Thomas Keenan, Helene Kazan, Cooking Sections, Sam Spurr and Eduardo Kairuz, Amelia Groom, Joel McKim, Todd McMillan, Kenzie Larsen, Susan Schuppli, among many others.


Instagram: @rca.mediastudies

Email: david.burns(at)

Royal College of Art

School of Architecture

MA Architecture

MA City Design

MA Environmental Architecture

MA Interior Design

Nono MartĂ­nez Alonso developed the site.