Dongpei Yue

"World Within Words: Multisensory Transformation of Books and Physical Model Creation"

Section MS1, Ariel Caine

Keywords: book, ai

In our daily lives, we often start by reading the preface and a brief introduction of a book. However, books with complex language and rich emotions may not resonate widely when solely relying on text, especially for individuals with reading disabilities who struggle to convert text into spoken language. To enhance the reading experience, this project aims to explore different mediums for translating textual content. One of the outcomes we are experimenting with is the creation of physical models. By reading and summarizing content from various chapters and employing artificial intelligence for content translation, we hope to enrich the reader's experience.

Combining emergent AI tools with physical and traditional forms of theatrical narration such as shadow puppets, this project integrates Chatgpt, Rhino, Illustrator, Midjourney, and Arduino to allow users to immerse themselves in the unique aura of texts. on the one hand it looks at how technology can serve as a tool to re-visualize and redefine traditional book concepts, on the other it critically starts to explore the different automated chaines of AI led interpretation and translation and their impact on forming of meaning.