Wanze Cheng

"What we feel"

Section MS9, Daryan Knoblauch

Keywords: nature

This performative infrastructure installation uses interwoven air ducts to create a diverse range of life scenarios, symbolising the complex dynamics of shifting intimacies in urban public spaces. The installation re-examines the form and appearance of infrastructures, liberating air ducts from their utilitarian function in an enlightening way. Air ducts are familiar but often overlooked architectural elements in our daily lives, and through this artwork they are given a new identity and transformed into fascinating and aesthetically unique art installations.In this artwork, the air ducts take centre stage against an attractive backdrop, symbolising their role as a medium for connecting private and public spaces. This sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of the evolving dynamics of 'intimacy' in these spaces. Urbanisation and modern lifestyles have blurred the boundaries between the domestic and public spheres, and this artwork acts as a catalyst for us to reassess these shifting boundaries through the lens of artistic expression. The installation provides a performative stage for the expression of growing intimacy by critically reproducing various everyday behaviours of people in urban public spaces, such as crossing, squatting, sitting and lying down. The installation explores the intimacy between space, behaviour, time and the body on several levels.