In today's society, faced with various kinds of pressure, the human body will develop many anxious emotions and even some nervous behaviours. The environment often affects people's anxiety, including sensitivity and even fear of sound. I have recorded various sounds in public places and combined them with some of my behaviours in an anxious state, hoping that the changes in these sounds can reflect the changes in psychological emotions and human anxiety behaviours.

In my project, I use various types of sound—record audio or short films of different types and times in a public place. I incorporate sounds you make when you are anxious and let them interact with the recorded sounds, to illustrate how a person's thoughts can start to feel blurry under pressure and develop into a "fog."

The internal activity of the anxious human body is explored through these mediated means as if it were a step-by-step reflection of the inner world of the human being through multiple repetitions, loops, and the connection of various sounds and different images. A pattern can be constituted by giving them a rhythm or a regularity, creating a soundscape.