Liu Wensheng

"Through the Shadow of Noise (Noise of feet on the floor)"

Section MS11, Mhamad Safa

Keywords: moving image

In the composition of architectural space, sound serves as an important differentiating element between indoors and outdoors. The wall, more than just a physical boundary, is profound; it acts as a barrier to the outside world, protecting and defining the interior space. It insulates the interior from external noise disturbances, creating a serene sound atmosphere. However, the noise of the floor disrupts this tranquillity, suggesting the reality of life and the presence of community. When the subject's footsteps echo through the space, it signifies more than just the transmission of sound; it is a declaration of bodily presence, an interaction with boundaries, and the awakening of other presences.

The video will capture the ceilings of various public and private spaces, overlaying them with corresponding footstep noises. This method directly demonstrates the intrusion of footstep noises into personal spaces and the invasion of individuals' privacy rights.