Jiayi Sun

"The Thames Environmental Pollution"

Section MS7, Sam Nightingale

Keywords: environment, pollution, photography, water

Environment is not a big and distant word; it affects every aspect of life. I chose the Thames River as the subject of my project, which is about environmental pollution.

The water in the Thames is very polluted. The main cause of pollution is industrial discharges, such as the large number of ships passing daily. Extreme weather can also affect the river environment. Heavy rainfall and high winds carry pollutants from the banks into the river. At the same time, some people may unconsciously throw rubbish, such as plastic bottles, into the river. Also, the rocks around dams and waters can be affected. The colour and texture of the affected parts will also change. In addition, many other things that people do not realise can also impact the river environment to some extent; for example, the leaves and branches that fall on the water, as well as the chains and logs used to secure boats. In the long run, they also make the river water more and more turbid.

I photographed the Thames River, focusing on various elements of pollution, and made it into a photo book. I gathered images from different locations to show pollution levels and suggest their reasons. I do this to raise awareness of environmental pollution and ecological awareness and demonstrate how pollution can be avoided and how we can do our best to minimise it.