Summer Derbyshire

"The Sound Localisation of Deforestation"

Section MS11, Mhamad Safa

Keywords: moving image, sound music, food

This research and the outcome of this project introduce a new working concept: non-contextual sound – an exploration of the demonstrative role of sound, as both an unmanipulated listening contrivance, as well as taking register of and exposing the practices and procedures behind our foodscapes. The Foley sound effect technique synchronises with the visual, on-screen action to bring the soundscape to life. By reversing the function of Foley, the foodscape can be brought to life, by synchronising the moving image visual to the audio. This is a critical engagement with the use of audio in broadcast media, questioning the use of Foley as a deceiving perception of reality, the same way our foodscape is not projecting the reality of its enduring journey that brings us our everyday food.

This project will examine the power of cooking and how its disassembly can challenge the established norms and everyday purchasing of specific foods. This will be attached to the mass production and global farming of the ingredients and questioning the current structure of the food acquisition chain, further demonstrating how we can drastically improve this situation through innovative technological solutions, and personal and political actions.