Mingfen Lin


Section MS15, Sarah Akigbogun

Keywords: built environment

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 The aim of the project is to reveal the role of the visual dynamics of symbols, but also to stimulate critical thinking about how symbols can reshape spatial perception in an increasingly multicultural and interconnected world.
My personal object is a Chinese talisman. The significance of Chinese talismans as visual symbols deeply rooted in East Asian traditional culture prompts an exploration of the visual impact when transplanted into varied Western contexts, within the multicultural landscape of London. What I want to explore is how an object and a space, which don't have the same cultural background but exist in one picture, will present different visual effects? Nowadays, people basically have a stereotypical image of the same scene in the same space, for example, there will be a cross in a church, so I want to investigate the visual effect that symbols and these spaces produce through my personal objects, and perhaps bring people to think differently about space.
Research methodology and case studies:
In East Asia, it is believed that different symbols of talismans appearing in different spaces represent different meanings.The juxtaposition of East Asian visual symbols within Western spaces prompts critical questions: How do these symbols resonate with individuals who encounter them in settings not traditionally associated with their cultural origin? What emotions and thoughts do they stir in the minds of passersby in locations with markedly different cultural connotations? In order to provide a comprehensive foundation for this exploration, I will conduct an extensive review of the relevant literature and summarise the meanings of different symbols of talismans through a visual study of the symbols of traditional oriental talismans and case studies of books on talismanic visual symbols, which will serve as a key to the study of cross-cultural visual dynamics. Previous case studies or analyses of similar cross-cultural visual encounters will also be referred to in order to gain insights into the potential outcomes and responses that may be observed in this study.
In my media studies I learnt about the concept of 'movement' and the use of a number of 'verbs' to express qualities of movement such as slow, gentle and sudden. So in my project, I have been thinking about how 'movement' can be used to make personal objects embody different visual dynamics.