Geo Cheng

"Suitcase of Sound"

Section MS15, Sarah Akigbogun

Keywords: movement, sound music

The inspiration for "Sound Suitcase" came from a recording of my family's advice to me before my departure, which was recorded at the airport to remind me not to forget my original intention and to study hard. At the same time, it was also a reminiscence of my family. I couldn't really have them accompany me to the faraway UK, so I had to record their expectations and love for me.

This suitcase I brought from China is my luggage space, it holds all the essentials I need to travel from home to a foreign country. On the surface, it is a portable storage space, the only "home" that follows me around. At the same time, this suitcase was packed and organised by my mother for me, and it carries my family's love for me.

In preparation for the shoot, I chose an iconic railway station, I clearly wanted a place with a high turnover of people, so I chose King Cross, and when I arrived at the location, I put my bluetooth speaker into my suitcase and played the recording the moment I opened the suitcase. As it played, I was reminded of what my family had said to me and how they had seen me off at the airport. At the same time, I incorporated the no-object performance movement that I had been practising - about opening the suitcase - and I tried different shots and angles of no-object performance, which included close-up, distant and top-view perspectives, as well as follow up shots of hand movements.

This is a suitcase full of love and attachment, but I can't put this love into the suitcase and take it away, I can only let the love accompany me in another way, across thousands of mountains.