Charles Liang

"Studies in parametric skeleton building"

Section MS1, Ariel Caine


The gigantic prehistoric Wale fossil presented in the Natural History Museum caught my interest when working on my Media studies project. I was intrigued by the formal composition of its skeleton anatomy and the tectonic means by which the bones joined together in such a large scale. I see them (also) as a fascinating expression of sculpture.

A series of conceptual drawings were produced based on the theme of prehistoric fossils. through the drawings, I further identified my interest in how elements of bones connect together, with the nature of twisting in some of the structures. I started to look into research and case studies of how artists make sculptures/ structures with the methodology of twisting and rotation. Iterations of design attempts were carried out by digital modeling softwares, design ideas were refined by the research on the work of the German Jewish modernist architect Konrad Wachsmann: Study of a Dynamic Structure, and Spatially Wound CFRP Node. In his works, I identify several design parameters of the sculpture i proposed:

My Final media objects is a series of drawings and 3D printed parametric skeletons that generativity explore the methodology of twisting for assembling connecting elements together.