Beccy Waite

"Spatial Intimacies: Tracing the Unseen Essence of a Bedroom"

Section MS2, Kelly Spanou

Keywords: memory, movement, set design

How well do I know my domestic space, a place I call home?

‘Spatial Intimacies’ is an archival process that transcribes, and records hidden details within a personal domestic space, my bedroom. To highlight the often-overlooked nuances that shape the fabric of my daily life.

In the realm of routine, the domestic space is a familiar territory; an environment that reflects an intimate understanding of personal preferences and belongings, these distinctive elements can contribute to a profound feeling of comfort and recognition. This project confronts my connection with my bedroom, delving into my lack of awareness regarding the details within it, despite possessing a deep sense of familiarity and occupying the space daily. The project is comprised of a series of observational drawings as a tool to navigate and uncover hidden details of the spatial environment; to see if details within my bedroom have been previously unnoticed or overlooked. These drawings serve as visual documentation and mapping of the spatial environment and the discoveries within it. 
Following on from this, I create archival mark-making by using graphite and tracing paper to record a 1:1 representation of these discovered details, emphasising form and texture. 
Using archival mark-making as a point of reference, I proceed to capture these details three dimensionally with casting techniques. Resulting in the fabrication of the 1:1 fragments of my built environment, be that the built fabric, furniture, and/or objects. A series of fragments is not only a representation of the details in my bedroom but is also a tool in the attempts to deepen my understanding and relationship within my bedroom.

A crucial aspect of the project lies in its display method, which aims to authentically replicate my bedroom through an immersive installation. The display of this project comprises two integral parts: A linear sequence of observational drawings on the wall illustrating my daily routine and a 1:1 plan of my bedroom marked on the floor with masking tape.

Casted fragments are strategically placed within the outlined spaces, mirroring their original locations. Viewers follow the sequential guide of the drawings before physically entering the 1:1 representation of my bedroom, where they engage with the casted objects positioned precisely within the outlined spaces. The masking tape not only defines the room but also outlines the spatial boundaries within the room, such as the bed, enhancing the intimate feel of the space. The performative nature of the display invites viewers to navigate and interact, replicating my process of discovery, which is the very essence of the project.