Julia Margolina

"Sounds of Separation"

Section MS4, Mirna Pedalo

Keywords: borders, conflict, moving image, sound music

This project delves into the profound impact of the Ukrainian and Russian war on families separated by the involvement of relatives on both sides. The project focuses on sound particles as a unique medium for conveying the emotional, psychological, and cultural dimensions of this separation. The objectives of this project are twofold: to provoke empathetic expressions of the experiences of families separated by the war and to emphasise the role of sound in conveying their emotional buildup and timeline. An analysis of the impact of sound-related media was conducted using a particle system with thousands of small sounds that collectively create an illusion of something solid for an emotional context. This method, akin to its use in the film industry where sound is a medium used to provoke a human emotional response, is also employed as a CGI technique. Here, small points create the visual illusion of fire, dust, smoke, and more.

The goal is to raise awareness about the humanitarian aspects of the war, spotlighting the broad effects of the particle simulation. The project employs a mixed-method research approach, incorporating recordings of individuals who have experienced family separation due to the war. The focus is on capturing the emotional tones of their journey. Historical sound archives, melodies, noises, and vibrations were examined to trace the sound history of the connections and boundaries created by the war. Sound-related media is analysed to discern political boundaries, emotional expressions, and strategies to represent a cultural and psychological timeline. Upon the conclusion of data collection and analysis, the project culminated in an immersive particles corridor connected to sounds made using a Unity program. The corridor of chaotically and peacefully moving, trembling particles; variations of loud and silent noises, singular or repeated, mixed patterns of sounds and particles immerse users deep into the timeline of stories and experiences, exploring the emotional and psychological consequences of family separations in an empathetic narrative during the Ukrainian and Russian war. This captivating experience offers viewers a glimpse into a different dimension.

Sounds of Separation is a project that aims to provide a unique perspective on the ongoing Ukrainian and Russian war, emphasising its human impact and the power of sound in conveying complex emotions and memories. Through qualitative research, the project strives to shed light on the experiences of families affected by the conflict, fostering empathy, understanding, and contributing to the broader conversation on peace, reconciliation, and the humanitarian aspects of the war through the sound piece supported by the visual graphical video.