Emily Marzocchi

"Queering Gender Neutrality in the Built Environment - A Toilet Zine"

Section MS12, Riccardo Badano

Keywords: queer studies, book, body, publishing

Are public toilets all they can be? This research-based project, which culminates in a collection of materials rearranged and republished in a zine, wants to investigate unusual approaches and solutions to this question. The “Toilet Zine“ is a zine about toilets to be read on the toilet.

Embracing the idea of repetition, the Toilet Zine can be reproduced multiple times to spread and inspire new ways to think about public toilets. Various Zines have been spread around and documented in public restrooms to test their suitability.

The communication medium aims to provide a platform for a wide array of materials, from toilet etiquette manuals to multi-sensorial “inspirations”, suggesting possible ways of queering toilets as spaces of contamination/promiscuity/encounters/etc.