Yiqing Yang

"Network Dissemination"

Section MS14, Jermaine Francis

Keywords: repetition, photography, image studies

In modern social networks, people's likenesses and yes the authenticity of events can change as they spread through social networks. Its original appearance is gradually distorted through the constant dissemination of the network and may eventually become completely different.The photograph spreading through social media and being constantly compressed, based on the errors in the information of the photograph due to the spread of the media.

The process of pixelation, the parts of the photographs that are symbolically remembered by the people will become blurred, so the meaning of the photograph will become ambiguous, and everyone can redefine the photograph in their own language, and in the process of redefinition, the original meaning of the photograph will be distorted.

The work abstractly presents portraits that have gradually disappeared in the widespread dissemination of online portraits, and through the repetition of multiple sets of images, it shifts the centre of thinking from the photographs themselves to the differences between the images and the words, generating thoughts within them.