Sora Sato

"Multifaceted Personality"

Section MS4, Mirna Pedalo

Keywords: social media, photography

In today's rapidly evolving world, significant changes have occurred in every aspect of our lives. The proliferation of social media platforms has granted us more opportunities to showcase our individuality. Moreover, contemporary society is witnessing a profound shift toward gender and ethnic diversity. It's evident that one's true essence can't be encapsulated merely by their physical appearance.

When endeavouring to encapsulate someone's character, it's undeniable that it comprises a myriad of facets, from loving art, a passion for sports, a caring nature, and a love for a variety of cuisines. However, on online social media platforms and in self-introductions, encapsulating this rich diversity in a singular image becomes a challenge. In an era marked by expanded avenues for self-expression, I aspire to explore methods that allow for the portrayal of my multifaceted self through the presentation of multiple images.

This project delves into self-expression bridging between physical appearance and inner-self; one’s character and memory. My self-portrait is composed of multiple photos that collectively encapsulate my identity and personality. Rather than a singular image, this portrait comprises a diverse array of snapshots ranging from childhood memories to recent moments. Exploring self-portraiture transcends capturing outward appearance; it delves into inner essence. Unlike typical photography's single moment, my curated collection enables audiences to delve into different facets of my personality.