Chenxue Dai

"Liminal Space Bring Peace"

Section MS9, Daryan Knoblauch

Keywords: nature, environment

This project is meant to propose the importance of non-spaces within the urban environment and how by passing through them, we can create moments of reflection, introspection and inspiration. Via the medium of the installation and the video "Liminal Space Brought Peace” evokes abstracted media that convey the emotion of liminality into concrete space. An installation will be constructed to express the order and neatness within the liminal formative. Standing as an approximately 1.5 meters artifact, the installation will be composed by the steel ducting material to interpret its neatness and discipline, also as a metaphor for the classic liminal occasion, the steel slide that often seen in an outdoor playground. The installation will be composed by three main spiral ducting columns that have their bends as exits respectively but interoperable at the bottom of the installation, eliciting the idea of temporarily stuck in a liminal space though, there will always be new chances and possibilities ahead. A video will also be provided to assist in digging into the aesthetic of liminal spaces. The 30 seconds’ video will unfold the beauty and aesthetic of the liminal space by having a stable long take of a typical liminal space, the school corridor at night. Unlike the crowded day time, this space may convey more feelings of emptiness. With the sound of walking paces added to the video but nobody shows up, the eeriness grows bigger. While at the end of the video, the sound disappears and the bright exit comes along.