Puyan Chen

"Journey Through the Shadows"

Section MS17, Lennaart van Oldenborgh

Keywords: archive, repetition, moving image

The refugee problem is a global challenge, with millions of people forced to flee their homes in search of safety and shelter. There are many refugee camps in the north of France, an area that has always been home to refugees who have left the country they live in due to conflict or policy and have chosen to travel to Europe or the UK. Some are there in search of work, others because family or friends live there. Although initially tolerant, the French government was forced to take action as the number of refugees surged, the camps expanded, and there were frequent internal conflicts. The police intervened, putting up fences and booms to keep refugees out, setting up surveillance systems, and even cutting down trees in the camp, which eventually led to the demolition of the entire camp.

Through the power of images and media, I want to delve deeper into the arduous experience of the refugees, from fleeing their homeland to arriving in France, and to show the difficulties and challenges they faced. With the use of continuous and repetitive images, I want to emphasize the impact of the harsh environment on their physical and mental health and to draw the viewer's attention to the situation.

The first part is about the difficult situation of the refugees, with repeated scenes of police violently evicting people from the camp over and over again, the camp being burned down, and the repeated attempts of the refugees to board moving trucks late at night to get out of the area. These images, filled with elements of violent conflict, exemplify the tragic plight of the refugees.

Through the parallelism of the three timelines and the repeated use of similar scenes, the similar dilemmas faced by the refugees in different places and times are emphasized to deepen the viewer's perception of the refugee experience. This is a story of survival, hope, and humanity. Through media expression, I hope to arouse viewers' thoughts on the global refugee issue and inspire more attention and action.

Through real and powerful images, I call on society to pay wider attention to the refugee issue.