Zhiyu Zhuo

"Involution Space"

Section MS18, Ayanna Blair-Ford

Keywords: identity, moving image

"Involution" delves into the critical examination of the societal concept of involution within the backdrop of rapid capitalist progression. Amidst the fierce competition inherent in 21st-century capitalist societies, involution emerges as a pervasive phenomenon. It characterizes a state wherein individuals, amidst relentless striving, find themselves trapped in stagnation, unable to advance or enhance their quality of life. This predicament is often compounded by heightened levels of social stress, anxiety, cutthroat competition, and futile endeavors yielding little reward.

The project's inception involved a comprehensive exploration of the concept of "involution" and its historical roots. Initially introduced by Gertz in his seminal work, "The Involvement of Agriculture: Processes of Ecological Change in Indonesia," the term elucidated the absence of agricultural evolution in Java despite conditions ripe for industrial revolution. Subsequently, within Chinese internet culture, "involution" emerged as a descriptor for internalized vicious competition, excessive rivalry, and a downward spiral towards mediocrity.

Drawing from the negative emotional landscapes entrenched within involutionary societies, the project abstracts elements thereof. Through adept manipulation of lighting, abstract motifs, and character dynamics within confined settings, diverse emotional atmospheres are conjured, affording viewers an immersive glimpse into the intense pressures and adverse sentiments plaguing contemporary youth within involutionary contexts.