Cheng Chen

"Invisible Community"

Section MS9, Daryan Knoblauch

Keywords: nature

This Media Studie Project investigates the attributes of today‘s community and aims to highlight the inherent instability and fragility of contemporary forms of the communication in which we can no longer differentiate between what is true and what is fake especially when there’s no physical contact. It therefore explores a series of case studies through which a physical installation and a short clip are used to further explore this theme. Improvisation stands out as a style that emphasizes unplanned interactions and fluidity of movement between multiple dancers. It emphasizes the use of touch, weight-sharing, and spontaneous movement, and often creates a sense of physical and emotional connection between dancers. The improvisational nature of the dance makes each performance unique, with the connection between each other being the core of the dance. Therefore, I integrate dance and installation to communicate the gradual and occasionally fragile formation of invisible community, highlighting the ever-shifting dynamics between the individuals. Through the interplay of movement and structure, the piece illuminates the fluid and complex nature of current human connections, underscoring the necessity for constant adaptation and collaboration.