Tak Hei Ivan Suen

"Interrogating the Imperative of Breaking Boundaries"

Section MS4, Mirna Pedalo

Keywords: borders, moving image

Are you aware of and subject to boundaries existing in our daily lives? Is a society without boundaries more desirable?

Anarchism is an idea that advocates for a stateless society, where individuals regain control from the authorities of government and self-govern and cooperate voluntarily, aiming for a society built on equality, autonomy, and decentralised structures. This ideology of breaking boundaries only partially pertains to overcoming physical boundaries, as in current land conflicts between countries or migration policies of governments. It also involves the act of fighting against intangible boundaries such as hierarchy and might influence us to engage in actions aligned with liberal ideals and actions.

In this project, I explore some unconscious behaviours or events where we break boundaries in the course of our daily lives with reference to anarchism. Documenting moments of these actions allows us to reflect on and evaluate the consequences of the removal of boundaries. Recording the actions of ripping and repairing a pair of jeans symbolises a rejection of traditional norms and hierarchy by challenging established standards of neatness. The intentional distressing of clothing reflects a desire for individual expression over conformity, signalling a rebellious spirit against societal expectations and promoting a more egalitarian approach to personal style. The performances also showcase that the act of creation and repair demands more time and effort than the seemingly easier path of destruction. This approach offers an effective means of showcasing and criticising the removal of boundaries in rejecting hierarchies. The project aligns with the overarching theme by employing multiple televisions to display and repeat pivotal moments that encapsulate the essence of our subject matter. Through this multi-faceted approach, audiences can gain an immersive experience and be stimulated to think about how anarchism might influence our daily existence and challenge established norms and hierarchies.