Ruzhou Qian


Section MS8, Joshua Leon

Keywords: book, photography, writing

Rural elderly people in China often face profound loneliness. They prefer a quiet rural life but struggle to adapt to the hustle and bustle of the city. Due to various reasons, leaving the countryside is difficult for them. As children and villagers move to the city, the number of friends around the elderly decreases, leaving them increasingly lonely and lacking care and attention. I will reflect on the relationship between the elderly and family members by using my family as an example.

My memoirs features my grandmother as the protagonist. She spent her entire life in rural China and her love for the countryside became the main theme of her life. However, she took her own life due to depression last September, leaving me feeling deeply guilty for not spending more time with her. In my eyes, my grandma has always been an optimistic figure. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of her life through my memoirs.

The memoir is divided into four parts: my grandma’s living environment, my impression of her, things in my memory, and letters written to her by my family. I sorted out my memories and tried to show my grandma's living conditions through writing. More importantly, I hope to share more memories through this memoir. I aim to display the relationship between my grandma and the family comprehensively. Additionally, I want to reflect on profound thoughts regarding the relationship between the elderly group and the family from individual phenomena.

This handmade memoir is dedicated to my grandma and is mainly written in Chinese, with English as a supplement. Because my grandma was fond of needlework, I made it in cloth and thread to commemorate her. This is not just a memory, but also a deep reflection on the connection between the elderly and their family.