Myah Walters

"Florida the Climate Commodity State"

Section MS10, Freya Spencer-Wood

Keywords: nature, social media, landscape, set design, environment

Florida the Climate Commodity State invites viewers into a contemplative exploration of Floridaā€™s ecological identity, challenging the portrayal of the state as the ā€œSunshine State.ā€ The exhibit employs a fragmented landscapes to satirise the unfolding climate emergency against the canvas of leisure environments and overconsumption.

The name the sunshine state, is a title that defines the commodity of the lived experience within the territory of Florida. Rather than an appropriate naming for the state regarding the climate position - even though the slogan implies environmental grounding.

If the slogan that accompanied Florida was to reflect and embody climate awareness the following titles would be appropriate:

ā€œFlorida the greenwash Stateā€ ā€œFlorida the environmentally vulnerable Stateā€ ā€œFlorida the algae bloom Stateā€ ā€œFlorida the invasive ecosystem Stateā€ ā€œFlorida the high sea surface temperature Stateā€ ā€œFlorida the hurricane Stateā€ ā€œFlorida the geographically fragile Stateā€ ā€œFlorida the run off State"

The carefully staged landscape mirrors the fluidity of social media scrolling, captivating onlookers with a scene that blurs the boundaries between perception and reality. Purposeful iconography challenges the stereotypical beach scene, provoking a fresh interpretation of Floridaā€™s visual identity. Exposing the commodification of the Floridian environmental experience.