Nada Attar

"Exploring Photographic Plant Cyanotypes in London and Jeddah"

Section MS7, Sam Nightingale

Keywords: nature, photography

Through 'Exploring Photographic Plant Cyanotypes in London and Jeddah,' this project transcends conventional photography, embodying the theme of 'extraction' by selectively capturing and representing plant photography. Employing cyanotypes not only captures moments aesthetically but extracts knowledge and insights into the impact of UV exposure on regional flora.

This project unfolds as a captivating exploration of plant narratives spanning the urban landscapes of London and the arid landscape of Jeddah. It seeks to unravel the botanical identity of these two disparate regions. The photographic documentation of a consistent camera becomes the tool for constructing a visually immersive index. Each resulting cyanotype is not only a snapshot but a narrative thread woven with rich descriptions, encapsulating the essence of each plant by name and location. By intricately examining the relationships between light, plants, and the broader field of botany, it aspires to initiate a profound conversation across geographical divides. The installation, comprising eight cyanotype prints, invites viewers to contemplate the layered stories embedded in each image, showcasing photography's powerful role in extracting information from the natural world.