Aneta Ignaszak

"Energy of Extraction"

Section MS7, Sam Nightingale

Keywords: environment, extraction

Energy is the only universal currency. 1

The project, which takes the form of a series of operational manuals, explores and attempts to define an energy that has motivated people through the centuries. Human exploitation and land extraction have affected human exploration and development. The climate crisis and the limitation of natural resources mean we all need to redefine human values.

I carefully examined the main revolutionary human periods since the Renaissance, investigating five eras of human acts through geographical, political, and economic expansion and land extraction in archives such as the Spanish Conquest, Industrial Revolution, Digital Revolution, Bio-Revolution, and Post-humanism soon to come. There appears to be a direct relationship between technology, human values and basic instincts and feelings that drive humans throughout their lives. The discovery of four different emotions leading from one to the other with repetition and the same sequence made an interesting sequence of feelings replicated each time in a circle.

Fear – triggering competition and aggression, Curiosity- leading to superiority, Greed – creating human exploitation and land extraction. Geo-centrism – leading to control and domination.

Each sequence of feelings is like a fired match with the instant act, change of strength and short memory life. They need sulphur and oxygen to stay alive, like us humans. The accompanying blueprint shows each era in a sequence of time for analytical visuality that brings a question to the future: is there any chance that we can save the “earth” with a repeated pattern of “human energy”? Does the switching from fossil fuel to green technology make any difference to our humanity and earth extraction? What will happen at the gate of the current, further global digitalism, the post-humanism era?

  1. Vaclav Smil