Olivia Juliette Clermont

"Editions of Memory and Space: My Grandparents House"

Section MS2, Kelly Spanou

Keywords: built environment

What makes a house a home? What connections are drawn between memory and space?

My work aims to challenge conventional modes of representation in architectural drawings, by presenting three different perspectives of my grandparents’ house.

Sparked by sitting in my grandparents’ house, now in the process of being sold, a while after their passing, I was met with familiar objects, creating life, and showing me vivid stories of the past. Through making, research and painting I explored how our memories are intrinsically linked to objects; using my own memories of my grandparents to understand these links.

Moving towards final outcomes, I have experimented with a range of personal objects to create physical reincarnations of memory and I have also created archival research related to the house: finding and photographing personal objects and collecting a photography archive of the house and its memories through the years.

The final piece is a product of these explorations and archival research of the house. Using a triptych as the medium to show three different perspectives. First showing a ‘strangers’ view - challenging broader societal norms and representations of living environments. The second focuses on how I view and relate with the house and the objects and spaces that make up my memories. The third piece, collects stories from my family’s perspective.