Rui Lan

"Echoes of the Lea: An Acoustic Exploration"

Section MS16, Sonia Levy

Keywords: sound music, built environment, water, history, environment

"Echoes of the Lea" explores the relationship between the River Lea and the urban environment that surrounds it. The project uses audio field recording techniques to capture the distinctive underwater sounds of the river. The captured sounds are subsequently played back and re-recorded in significant architectural spaces along the river. This creates an echoic loop that explores the interaction between the river's sounds and the historical resonance evoked by infrastructures. By using this approach, the project aims to uncover the dynamic connection between the auditory landscape of the river and the rich history embedded in the architecture of its riverbanks.

Project Protocol:

  • Utilise hydrophone recording equipment to capture the diverse soundscape of the River Lea
  • Intentionally playback captured sounds within selected architectural spaces
  • Re-record resulting resonance using stereo microphones to create an echoic loop

Via this protocol, the project investigates the connection between sound and space, offering a renewed sensory perspective to enrich our understanding of history and natural environments. Through a deliberate interplay of field recordings, playback reverberations, and spatial echoes, the project explores the auditory, natural, and cultural dimensions within the urban and industrial development along the River Lea.

The architectural location for the project presented here was The House Mill, an original tidal mill dating back to 1086.