Muzi Li

"Boundaries in Art Performance - The Case of *Rhythm 0* Project"

Section MS12, Riccardo Badano

Keywords: body, performance, publishing

The project is centred around Marina Abramovic's artwork, Rhythm 0, a six-hour-long performance staged by the artist in Naples in 1974. In Rhythm 0, the artist invites viewers to use any of the 72 objects laid on a table in the room on her body, in any way they wish, with all the consequences, including death. In this work, the audience can resort to hostility and disregard for human life by simply absolving themselves of guilt cause the exoneration of responsibility allows them to act out their darkest fantasies. In performance art, where the complete performance is often created by the interplay between the performer and the audience, the blurring of boundaries challenges us to confront our behaviour and those of social norms. How can a work of art question the boundaries of the social environment as we understand it?