Penny Poyiatzi

"Beneath the Surface"

Section MS5, Lilly Markaki

Keywords: nature, photography, moving image, water

Marine algae represent a complex and vibrant tapestry of life beneath the ocean's surface. The sliver of the ocean where light penetrates enough to allow photosynthesis to work its magic and provide life at the ocean’s bottom is the home of seaweeds. Kelp and seaweed provide crucial habitat for countless other organisms, both tiny and large. Their role is so significant that it contributes to around 70% of the oxygen we humans breathe. Therefore, it is crucial that we acknowledge the role seaweed plays in our ecosystem by observing it up close.

Beneath the Surface presents a collection of slides that document the simple yet impactful life of seaweed. Translated into a film, the slides flash before our eyes through a diascope before disappearing again, inviting meditation on the ways in which non-humans aesthetically manifest their being in relation to their surroundings.