Tao Wenqi

"Awakening a Relationship with Animals"

Section MS5, Lilly Markaki

Keywords: nature

Awakening a Relationship with Animals offers a poignant exploration of the plight of endangered species, focusing on the Javan Rhinoceros, one of the most critically endangered rhino species in the world. With only about 70 individuals left in Ujung Kulon National Park, their existence hangs in the balance due to habitat loss and poaching.

This collection of digital paintings serves as a powerful call to action, urging viewers to reflect on the urgency of protecting the Javan rhinoceros and restoring ecological balance. Each painting delves into a unique theme, symbolically linked to the rhinoceros's horn. Through themes like the Horn of Life, Horn of Time, Horn of Corruption, and Horn of Harmony, the paintings aim to evoke emotions and spark contemplation about humanity's relationship with nature and our collective responsibility to protect it.

Awakening a Relationship with Animals transcends mere advocacy for the Javan rhinoceros; it is a heartfelt plea for the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.