Shinjae Kim

"Artificial Evolution"

Section MS10, Freya Spencer-Wood

Keywords: moving image, ai, nature, landscape, set design, environment

Artificial Evolution is an endeavour to visually articulate the intricate concept of human-induced evolution in response to critical environmental issues, through a study of the contentious discharge of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. The project employs visual storytelling to captivate the audience whilst elevating environmental awareness and provoking thoughtful contemplation.

The video work unfolds within a dedicated space for observing marine life, providing a poignant context for the gravity of the issue. An additional layer of significance is embedded in the fact that all marine organisms portrayed in the video are AI-generated images. Referencing documented cases and observable forms of radiation damage, these representations acknowledge the inherent uncertainty surrounding the outcomes of radioactive water discharge. This approach leverages AI-generated depictions of potential future forms of marine life, serving as a powerful medium to deliver impactful visuals and instil a heightened sense of urgency and awareness around the climate emergency.

Furthermore, a key facet of this project lies in its potential to transcend niche audiences. By employing accessible visual storytelling techniques and leveraging virtual media, the project seeks to demystify the complex environmental issue at hand, making it more comprehensible and relatable to a broader audience. Through this broader accessibility, the project aims to cultivate a collective sense of environmental conscientiousness, fostering a shared understanding of the urgency surrounding the Fukushima-related environmental challenges.