Regina Gruber-Schachafellner


Section MS5, Lilly Markaki

Keywords: nature, photography, performance

ANIMA ANIMALIS is a project aimed at challenging the deceptive portrayal of animals in media and confronting speciesism through art and visual culture. In a world where mass media has the power to disseminate images and ideas instantly and on a massive scale, the responsibility to produce accurate and ethical representations is often overlooked or exploited, particularly by the livestock industry.

The project seeks to bridge the gap between romanticised imagery of animal farming and the harsh realities of the livestock industry. By challenging the objectification of animals and presenting them as sentient beings deserving of respect and consideration (and birthday cakes!), ANIMA ANIMALIS aims to raise awareness and provoke critical thought about the consequences of our food choices.

Drawing inspiration from the viral TikTok trend of recreating Taylor Swift's Blank Space Cake video clip for its format, the project seeks to disrupt complacency and spark dialogue. The creation of a birthday cake made from animal-derived ingredients culminates in a powerful visual representation of slaughter. The violent slicing of the cake with a butcher's knife symbolises the brutal reality faced by animals in the food industry, prompting viewers to confront the true cost of their consumption habits.

ANIMA ANIMALIS aims to fill the "blank space" between the product and the animal, urging individuals to recognise the lives lost and the suffering endured in the pursuit of profit.