Proudnapa Eamveerawong


Section MS5, Lilly Markaki

Keywords: nature, pollution, photography, water

Aftereffect is a work comprising watercolour drawings and 12 Polaroid photographs that explore the intricate relationship between humans and bodies of water, while also thinking through the environmental consequences of human activity. The project sheds light on the pervasive issue of water pollution in Thailand, where numerous factories illegally dispose of toxic waste into local waterways. Water, often referred to as the "universal solvent," is crucial for all living organisms and ecosystems. Unfortunately, human negligence has led to the reckless exploitation of this vital resource, resulting in far-reaching impacts on the environment, wildlife, and human health. Shockingly, an estimated 43 million people in Thailand are exposed to contaminated water. Through its series of Polaroid photographs, the project illustrates the cyclical nature of pollution—a cycle wherein human activities generate pollution that, in turn, inflicts consequences upon both the environment and society. The inclusion of watercolour drawings alongside the Polaroid photographs adds a unique visual dimension to the project, enhancing its narrative and emotional impact.