Xiya Chen


Section MS2, Kelly Spanou

Keywords: language, feminism

My project is based on the research of the culture of Nvshu. Nvshu (translates as 'women's script') is a syllabic script derived from Chinese characters that was used exclusively among women in Jiangyong County in Hunan province of southern China. Nvshu nowadays is not an official language, and there is only 6 people that are qualified speakers. The spirit of Nvshu is closely connected with how women fight against the feudal society in China by creating their own language. A secret code which could be used as a way to communicate among each others, as civilian women were not qualified or encouraged to learn handwriting.

For my work I have made a large print with a melted lipstick featuring each and every character of the language, to highlight Nvshu as a significant example of how women can fight for their own rights in patriarchal societies.