Chenxi Wei

"Kangaroo Island - A Sound-Oriented Video Game"

Section MS11, Mhamad Safa

Keywords: sound music

The project aims to provide players with an immersive experience of entering the sonic environment of the 2019 Australian bushfires through a sound-oriented video game, which acts as a simulator for a burning scene to learn about the impact on wildlife and arouse reflection on the protection of the natural environment. The player determines the location of the animal's sound source by the space of the stereo sound, as the volume varies with distance.

The background of the game is based on the bushfires in Australia, with emphasis on Kangaroo Island as my site. Within this territory, Australia's third-largest island and known as Australia's "Galapagos Island”, a third of the island was burnt.

The game provides us with a clear delineation of sonic range. It achieves a kind of auralization. Auralizations are often used for the prospective acoustic design of rooms as they convey the intrinsic characteristics of the space and make them audible in a familiar way. The project tries to bring the audience to experience the effects of the bushfire by bringing the sound around and guiding them. Learn about the suffering of wild animals (click on the animals to watch the video archive) through your own exploration in the game, so as to protect endangered animals affected by fire in the real world.