Qirong Xu

"How ‘Tickets’ distribute violence, danger and commerce"

Section MS6, Mustapha Jundi

Keywords: food

The project is about revealing the fact of commercial fishing behind the tuna auction of Tsukiji Market in Japan through colour.

Colour is used specifically to connect connotations with specific scenes, characters or objects. Meanwhile, red is seen as a colour of passion, danger and violence.

Tsukiji Market is one of the most popular tourist attractions for both domestic and overseas visitors in Tokyo. Moreover, lots of people went to the market for tuna auction, in order to get the best quality of tuna.

The quality of tuna is based on factors including colour, transparency and fat ratio. The better quality of tuna means the deeper of the colour, the lower of fat ratio and the cross sections are more transparent. In Japan and some countries, carbon monoxide treatment is applied on tuna, in order to maintain tuna the best colour. However, it is harmful to human body.

Due to advantage of location and rich resources, Japan is home to a $14 billion commercial fishing industry. Japan consumes approximately 75-80% of the worlds' catch of bluefin tuna. Fish and a variety of other sea creatures are caught by local fishermen, imported and raised in aqua farms. Fish stocks in Japan’s territorial waters are declining. Data shows that the stocks of 48 percent of 90 categories of shore fish caught off Japan in 2007 have declined.

Staff at the market always checked the factors through a cross section. However, the market. was closed on 6th October 2018. People no longer get access to the market. Therefore, I designed a series of ticket to imply the situation. The colour of tickets change within the spectrum of tuna’s colour. This allows people to sense the industrialisation of fish industry and commercial fishing behind the tuna auction.