Bohao Hou


Section MS3, Linn Phyllis Seeger

Keywords: social media, photography, moving image

The theme of this work is The Mona Lisa Smile. The Mona Lisa, a work by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance, has led many scholars and artists to study the connotations of the painting itself, using academic and artistic perspectives to analyse the unique charm of her smile. But in a time when there was no real time social media to record and disseminate, painting became a way to record, but people simply could not, or even did not, care about her true inner feelings.

The protagonist, who is also the author of the work, finds solace in wearing a mask of a constant smile, reminiscent of the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. The smile becomes a shield that protects the protagonist from revealing their true emotions and vulnerabilities to the outside world. In social situations, whether in person or on social media, the protagonist puts on a facade of happiness, appearing cheerful and content, while hiding any inner turmoil, such as sadness, anger, or loneliness.

The protagonist's constant smile becomes a coping mechanism, a way to navigate through the complexities of human interactions. They have learned to conceal their true emotions, not wanting to burden others with their struggles or appear weak in front of the world. Just like how the Mona Lisa's smile has puzzled art experts for centuries, the protagonist's smile also leaves people wondering what lies beneath, but no one truly knows or bothers to find out.

The story also touches on the issue of cyber violence and h ow people can be cruel and hurtful towards others online without realizing the impact of their words. The protagonist experiences cyber violence firsthand, encountering vicious comments and attacks on social media, yet they continue to respond with a Mona Lisa style smile, not letting the negativity affect them outwardly.

Despite the protagonist's constant smile, there are moments when the facade cracks, and the true emotions peek through. In private moments, the protagonist may feel overwhelmed by their internal struggles, experiencing bouts of sadness, anger, or loneliness. These moments are fleeting and hidden from the world, as the protagonist quickly reverts to their smiling persona in public. The story also explores the concept of authenticity and the pressure to present a perfect image of oneself in the age of social media. The protagonist, like many others, feels the need to conform to societal expectations of always appearing happy and successful, even when it may not reflect their true reality. Th e constant effort to maintain the facade of happiness takes a toll on the protagonist's mental and emotional well being, yet they continue to smile, fearing judgment or rejection if they were to reveal their true emotions.