Xuan Lin 

"Crossing my arms, Wiggling my fingers"

Section MS15, Sarah Akigbogun

Keywords: home

This project is an attempt to express the act of education in a simple act, which is finally presented in the form of a video.  Based on the topic of home, home, sister and education" come to mind.  A more tangible memory image is when I, as the older sister, teach my sister to do something - crossing my arms, wiggling my fingers.   The generalisation of the word education makes it seem very simple, but unfolding is  actually is very complex. There can be a tension around the process, of educating and being educated, as with me and my sister. So, in this project I intend to explore this tension between education in the form of a video. Parents do what they think is right for their children, but no one can say that education is always right.