Maciej Kanarkowski

"Annotate the dialogue"

Section MS5, Bahar Noorizadeh

Keywords: photography, social media, archival practice, mundane

To analyse a photograph, to annotate it, depict it in a way that opens up the dialogue, to make the dialogue public.

Photographs can curate a conversation. Whether it’s reporting current events, documenting daily life, or raising social issues. In my case, I engaged in a long term dialogue with a friend. Images we would take and share reflected how our taste changed overtime, what sparked our interests and how we manifested it. Even though the photographs were shared publicly through social media the meaning they carried remained private and discreet. The act of cataloguing, archiving, and conversing made this a very intimate process, adding to the dichotomy of what is open to the public and what remained behind the scenes.

Casting light on the behind the scenes of those images will take place through annotations. Two selected images will be printed on A2 sheets and annotated with details that are not apparent in the frame of the photograph. Whether it’s an event that took place in the photographed place that we can both relate to, a building, or a memory. Through annotations and notes displayed on the prints I believe it’s possible to curate and explain some of the hidden statements that we made by taking, and sharing a photograph intentionally.

Juxtaposed adjacent to the fine art prints will be displayed a film of hundred(s) of images flashing on a screen. Cutting from one to another in a fraction of a second, meaning very little could be taken apart from an impression. No background, no storytelling. The contrast in gravitas between a fine, hand-annotated print and a flashing image draws on the contradictions of reading an image. The background information that are revealed through annotation change the understanding of an image that can otherwise only be appreciated for its aesthetic values.

In a way, the project mediates the images rather than using images to mediate anything else. Based on the contrast between printed and screened media the project mediates the conversation. It’s a personal dialogue that can be revealed and made accessible for an outsider, the viewer.