Feng Xiao (Barry)

"A bar code of history"

Section MS3, Ariel Caine

Keywords: memory, narrative, photography

Bar codes are patterns that we all seem to come into contact with daily. They are graphic identifiers that arrange multiple black bars and spaces of varying widths according to certain coding rules to express a set of information. A common bar code is a pattern of parallel lines formed by black and white bars (short for empty). Bar codes can indicate different types of information about an item.

The purpose of this project is to explore the specific time relationship between past and present through the image of an old wood pier. The image of the old wood piers is in effect a form of information, nature’s traced onto the wooden beams and captured by the photograph.

In this project, the tragic story of the Titanic is presented through a visual image of the old wood pier in Southampton, borrowing a special representation of a modern bar code. The wood pier evokes the memory of the history of Titanic. At the same time, the images printed on different proportions of the boards highlight their unique rhythm. Each frame is accompanied by a number related to the Titanic, underscoring the concept of a bar code of history. It is like a powerful and quiet force that hits people's hearts.

The vicissitudes of this historical sense is presented by specific texture and coherent overall photograph. The expression form of the wood pier is not only a kind of visual art, but also a kind of expression form of historical events in the passage of time. The only thing in the world that will become more beautiful with the passage of time is memory.