Anping Jiang

"Urban Haze"

Section MS6, Mustapha Jundi

Keywords: environment, urbanism

The term haze first appeared in China in 2004 as smog weather became a phenomenon of air pollution. It is the specific term for the excessive content of various suspended particulate matter in the atmosphere, especially PM2.5, which is considered as the main cause of smog and the culprit of smog weather. In the past few years, haze has become one of the most serious environmental problems in China, severely impacting the human respiratory system, increasing the cases by 60%. After conducting research into the link between vegetation and air pollution, the Chinese government deduced that leaves behave as filter to harmful particles such Pm10 and Pm2.5.1 However, the leaf's capacity to absorb is limited, putting pressure on the leaf itself and the burden for increasing green environments.

In this context, the project visualises these research findings by employing 3D animation, using models as a medium to show how leaves work as urban vacuum cleaners. Through the description of pollution particles and the use of models to simulate the internal meridians of leaves, the project makes visible how leaf veins filter the air and affect their photosynthesis.2 As such, the leaf becomes part of a cycle involving filtration and its ultimate death.

  1. Terzaghi, Elisa. 2013. "Forest Filter Effect: Role of leaves in capturing/releasing air particulate matter and its associated PAHs" Atmospheric Environment Volume74: 378-384. 

  2. Popek, Robert, Arkadiusz Przybysz, Helena Gawronska, Krysztof Klamkowski, and Stanislaw W. Gawronski. 2018. "Impact of particulate matter accumulation on the photosynthetic apparatus of roadside woody plants growing in the urban conditions" Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Volume 163 56-62.