Charlotte de Limburg Stirum


Section MS5, Bahar Noorizadeh

Keywords: fashion, environment, design

Linen is a sustainable choice for fabric production in Belgium. The highest quality flax in the world can be found in the area between Caen (France) and Amsterdam, Belgium lying in the middle. Therefore, I headed to Libeco, a Belgian linen factory. I was lucky to leave with bags of fabric scraps and raw material. Everything I could bring back home was supposed to have no future: defective parts, scraps of unused fabric, thread that had not yet been woven and a lot of dust.

My project is making the invisible visible. Sewing the unsold textiles together that were supposed to end up in the dump. Juxtaposing the unseen that came out of that factory, putting a spotlight on the production of textile. This is in order to create a more sustainable and transparent fashion industry.

Sewing these pieces of fabric together gave me a deep understanding of the effort it takes to produce a garment. Starting with the search for ethical textiles to the assembly of the fabrics together. I chose to hang them in two circles to represent a circular and sustainable design. In addition, once I stretched the patchworks, the pieces of fabric spread apart so that you could see through it. The larger hoop is visible through the smaller one which is placed in front of it. These two hoops illustrate transparency in the fashion industry.