Ran Duan

"extended virtual planet"

Section MS3, Ariel Caine

Keywords: fashion, design, body, consumerism

Welcome new fashion brands and designers to extended virtual planet. Here is a perfect fashion world. Here You will build space scenes that do not require construction waste. You will freely display your clothing samples that do not require budget preparation. You will have virtual models with different skin colours and body types.

In the real world, As long As the products of luxury brands are outdated or lack sales prospects, large amounts of inventory will be destroyed. The most common method of destruction is burning. In the real world, As long as the products of luxury brands are outdated or lack sales prospects, large amounts of inventory will be destroyed.

In planet, each of your virtual clothes will be clicked and liked by consumers. Customers can customize clothes based on their body data through body scanning technology, without worrying about fit size. The production quantity will be determined by consumers' virtual booking data to avoid waste of inventory.

Extended virtual planet is also a place of copyright supervisions and a shelter for young designers. Here, the layout, details, and printing of each piece of clothing will be uploaded to the cloud as a string of data to avoid plagiarism by other brands. At extended virtual planet, we believe that we will create a perfect fashion world together. Now, let’s start your journey on extended virtual planet.